Github Annotated

Github Annotated



I don’t remember making a github account, but I’m not surprised that I did. Summer of 2021 I made a lot of accounts with various services trying to see if this ‘get into tech’ idea held any water. Requested the data from my sister’s netflix at one point. Filled out a form to make a twitter bot. Watched some TED talks. Read a lot of marketing materials from Boot Camps. Couldn’t always distinguish educational materials from technical documentation from marketing materials.


Decided to apply to Northeastern, went to Mexico. Both good decisions. In Mexico I continued to dabble. Got a few chapters into an intro to python book but got stuck when the turtle window wouldn’t stay open. No github activity.



‘turtle.done()’ will keep the window open so you can look at your drawing


First class using github. Also being introduced to C and Java for the first time. Github makes no sense to me. I follow instructions, typing in commands, praying, and it only rarely works, for reasons I continue to not understand. A miserable time.


Taking Algorithms course. Mostly math so I’m really not touching any code.



Class starts. Trying to think if Tuesday was a day things were due. I think it was.


Final project. We used github to all contribute to same project. First time using it like that. A few hiccups along the way. Lived those weeks in fear of merge conflicts, but looking back it mostly all worked out I think?


Starting to notice blank periods in my github calendar when they show up. Developing envy/confusion towards people with just a wall of green.


Tried to write ‘HI’.


All the submodules for this stupid website. Lots of pulling and pushing and initing and deiniting.